Synthesis is supported by Active Reading
# Work in Progress
Active reading is quite old and established/mature, spans the Education literature as well as [HCI]. - [active reading] is also another thing to add to the claim that People process complex information in multiple levels and stages of processing - R-Sources - LiquidText A Flexible Multitouch Environment to Support Active Reading is a decent entry point into the [active reading] literature - the LiquidText system in particular is nicely grounded in Active reading and its discontents, which is a nice formative study of active reading with interviews and [Participatory Design] workshops - another decent one is Beyond paper supporting active reading with free form digital ink annotations, which cites A diary study of work-related reading design implications for digital reading devices as a #canonical ref for [active reading]
Curation is an important role in maintaining a decentralized discourse graph. It will be important to capture the potential energy of information consumption.