Scaling Synthesis

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What workflows and behaviors facilitate synthesis?

Last updated May 5, 2023

Authored By:: Rob Haisfield

As seen in Towards a comprehensive model of the cognitive process and mechanisms of individual sensemaking, we see that there are many component parts to synthesis. Given that, it makes sense that the responsibilities required to produce synthesis can be split up among many people. This is one of the key strengths of decentralized applications.

With this question, we aim to learn how people synthesize information. Answering this will inform the creation of data structures and functionality that facilitate synthesis in a decentralized way. If we want the default outcome of participating in this discourse graph to be synthesis, the data structure should support people in going through the process. After all, it is generally easier to facilitate closing the intention-behavior gap than it is to motivate an entirely new intention.

This is the primary question we will be exploring over the course of the user interviews.

From our exploration, we have a few starting points.

Any work that we hook into for them to author a discourse graph should line up with workflows that help them. People like putting ideas into clusters. We want to hook into in progress work. People take courses, download exercise apps, etc. because they want to change but are struggling to do it on their own.

Ryan Singer instantiates his brainstorming and planning workflow in the video here.