Digital Futures Sociological Challenges and Opportunities in the Emergent Semantic Web
- #references
- Title: Digital Futures? Sociological Challenges and Opportunities in the Emergent Semantic Web
- Meta:
- Tags: #ref/Paper
- Authored by:: Susan Halford , Catherine Pope , Mark Weal
- Year: 2013
- Publication: Sociology
- URL:
- Citekey: halfordDigitalFuturesSociological2013
- Content
- Placeholder
- #lit-context
- Part of sociological sream of inquiry on Semantic Web and infrastructure. Cites @randallDistributedOntologyBuilding2011
- #📝 lit-notes
- Promise of Semantic Web rests on being able to have unique resource identifiers (URIs). This relates to formality, although important to distinguish from compositionality
- But naming entities is far from straightforward. See, e.g., @bowkerSortingThingsOut2000 and @randallDistributedOntologyBuilding2011
- This has significant implications for how we think about precisely in what sense Z: Composability is necessary for synthesis, and how formality plays into it
- Promise of Semantic Web rests on being able to have unique resource identifiers (URIs). This relates to formality, although important to distinguish from compositionality