Types of synthesis and their criteria
- #[References]
- Title: Types of synthesis and their criteria
- Meta:
- Tags:: #[References] [D/Synthesis Infrastructure]
- Authored by:: [Kenneth Strike] [George Posner]
- Year: [1983]
- Publication: Knowledge Structure and Use: Implications for Synthesis and Interpretation
- URL: Strike & Posner (1983). Types of synthesis and their criteria. undefined
- Content
- Abstract
- undefined
- context-snippets
- Abstract
- lit-context
- Authors are Known for:: influential Theory of [conceptual change]
- Authors are Known for:: influential Theory of [conceptual change]
- 📝 lit-notes
- There are two core concepts for synthesis- 1) creating a new whole from parts, and 2) displaying at least some level of conceptual innovation (higher = clearer case of synthesis)
- 15 types of synthesis
- Inductive (empiricist)
- 1: Generalizing over instances (p. 349)
- 2: Simple theory construction (p. 349)
- 3: Creating a superordinate theory (p. 349-350)
- 4: Creating a worldview (p. 350)
- Dialectics
- 5: Dialectical resolution (p. 350)
- Thesis –> Antithesis –> Synthesis (e.g., Marx, Dewey)
- 5: Dialectical resolution (p. 350)
- Kuhnian synthesis
- 6: Normal science (p. 351)
- Extending a paradigm to new cases (like Piaget’s assimilation)
- 7: Revolutionary science (p. 351)
- Changing dominant assumptions in a field (like Piaget’s accommodation)
- 8: Overcoming incommensurable points of view (p. 352)
- 9: Emergence of a paradigm
- 6: Normal science (p. 351)
- Interdisciplinary
- 10: Semantic synthesis (p. 352)
- Creating a common language between disciplines that talk about the same concepts in different ways
- 11: Generating interdisciplines (p. 352-353)
- Develop new conceptions and approaches to a problem, modified from two or more disciplines that converge on the same problem (e.g., computational linguistics) Convergence
- 12: Generating multidisciplinary perspectives (p. 353)
- Generating a point of view that can be used to consider/weigh data from diverse sources
- 10: Semantic synthesis (p. 352)
- Quasi-syntheses
- 13: Assessment (p.353-354)
- Weighing the bulk of the evidence (aka meta-analysis / [systematic review])
- Judgment
- 14: Application and program development (p. 354)
- 15: Assemblages (p. 354)
- 13: Assessment (p.353-354)
- Inductive (empiricist)
- Some types of synthesis are simpler to produce than others(p. 355-356)
- Easier: 1: Generalizing over instances (p. 349), Quasi-syntheses
- Harder: 3: Creating a superordinate theory (p. 349-350), 4: Creating a worldview (p. 350), 5: Dialectical resolution (p. 350), 7: Revolutionary science (p. 351), 8: Overcoming incommensurable points of view (p. 352), Interdisciplinary
- #Claim Simpler syntheses are not necessarily
- Easier: 1: Generalizing over instances (p. 349), Quasi-syntheses
- Three intellectual standards for (good) synthesis (p356 onwards)
- Fleshes out There are two core concepts for synthesis: 1) creating a new whole from parts, and 2) displaying at least some level of conceptual innovation (higher = clearer case of synthesis)
A quality [synthesis] will clarify and resolve, rather than obscure inconsistencies or tensions between material synthesized
A quality [synthesis] will result in a progressive problem shift
" (p357)
A successful [synthesis] will satisfy the formal criteria for good theories
- assessing crucial assumptions (p. 358)
- [CASCI] reading notes
- Implicit ordering of “levels” of synthesis on p1
- Possible tension on p355 between idea of going beyond the sum of parts:
- Good quote on how hard synthesis is (p355)
- Interdisciplinarity discussion might be a bit thin (352-353)
- Question about assemblage (354)
- What about 2nd order effects of the synthesis process?
- Maybe the output itself isn’t a “synthesis”, but the people participating in the project of synthesis are changed and go on to create new things that they wouldn’t have
- Implicit ordering of “levels” of synthesis on p1
- There are two core concepts for synthesis- 1) creating a new whole from parts, and 2) displaying at least some level of conceptual innovation (higher = clearer case of synthesis)
- #References
- Title: Types of synthesis and their criteria
- Meta
- Year: [1983]
- Authored by:: [Kenneth Strike] and [George Posner]
- Publication: Knowledge Structure and Use: Implications for Synthesis and Interpretation
- Strike, K., & Posner, G. (1983). Types of synthesis and their criteria.
- Status: #In-Zotero-Bib
- PDF: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1wYqUZjKg-E6hN8C33Tr2_FHy_lVZQ6J9/view?usp=sharing
- Content