Authored by:: Rob Haisfield
By Max Krieger.
Twitter thread Rob Haisfield: People who note down fleeting thoughts want the cream to rise to the top. Some consider the act of processing notes as a future chore & never get around to it
Voiceliner merges the behavior of ranking relative importance with the act of recording
Excellent behavioral strategy https://twitter.com/maxkriegers/status/1469977466693324803 *
Thank you, @maxkriegers, for this thought processor interaction.
- Key insight: people quick capture and worry about losing important thoughts. However, as you write your quick thoughts, you have a general sense of how important they might be. Salience is key metadata! *
- Why is this behavioral product strategy?
- Max Krieger wants to filter only the best quick capture notes into his general corpus. Traditionally, that would require him to review all of his notes and process them. Now that happens at the time of recording a note. *
- He flipped the script on processing behaviors and when people see reward.
- Traditional quick capture: write now, process later. Processing can disrupt your creative flow and takes a lot of energy.
- Voiceliner: Process notes as you go. Later only review what is important. *
- What people DO while using an app dramatically changes their outcomes.
- Given user goal W, people have to do X, Y, and Z behaviors. Y feels like a chore, so they don’t do it. They fail.
- @maxkriegers merges X with Y in a fluid way, increasing the user’s probability of success. *
- I agree with @mekarpeles. Knowledge work is work, and one must lift weights. Reviewing, refining, & iterating, notes is the work
- People want to mine and refine their best thoughts, but it’s effortful. There are many approaches to this behavioral problem!
- https://twitter.com/mekarpeles/status/1470616391011209217?s=20 *
- Mek: Shame it didn’t include your original tweet which I think is well argued and merits attention! 😊
Mek: I think your whole tweet is 🥇 with a caveat:
- > Some consider the act of processing notes as a future chore
- One may make chores less painful & automate minutiae, but, “There is no royal road to geometry.” One still must lift weights.
- Training is Working
- https://mek.fyi/posts/in-defense-of-quantified-self *
- I agree with your take here. Some behaviors simply have to be done in order to achieve ideal outcomes.
@JoelChan86 and I explore the theme of people “eating their broccoli” and different behavioral design approaches in this video
What knowledge work weights do you believe the personas being discussed in this thread might benefit from? *
Mek: 5/ Quality of time; @aaronsw eludes to this in http://www.aaronsw.com/weblog/productivity. Different tasks take different energy levels. Apps being aware of that and gently presenting us with suggested actions accordingly seems kind/effective. *
Mek: 6/ I’m sure things can get meta very quickly. Visa vie https://twitter.com/mekarpeles/status/1470623259074912257, one’s emotional state, disposition, or personal context may dictate what type of content one wants, and how verbose. Do I want a Google Now card? The wiki article? Or the comprehensive library shelf? *
Mek: 1/ First, I perceive there as being more informed experts than myself. Second, it depends what the goal is. Memorization? Recall? Meeting deadlines? Organization?
- I like the idea of pairing spaced repetition (media I’d like to experience again, TODOs, etc). *
Mek: 2/ I think technology can help inform weights, pose us questions & recommendations, & predict labels correctly. If we want to strengthen associations in our mind, this needs to be trained somehow. SRS is one way; most activities/games in life are some form of SRS. *
Mek: 3/ More than the technique, I think incentive alignment and emotional appeal are important. I believe I recall @andy_matuschak + @edelwax having interesting thoughts on design oriented around happy, positive, social, & emotional experiences. *
Mek: 4/ I think another factor is geo-spatial/temporal/just-in-time-context-specific recommendations. e.g. you’re at a doctor’s office, you’re at the grocery store. *
Twitter thread Max Krieger: 🔮 I made an app! What if we took the “hold to record” interaction too far? I decided to find out and made a new kind of quick capture. Like voice memos, but with a whole lot more oomph. Meet Voiceliner.
4+ months of on-and-off work led to the best way to braindump I know of. It’s inspired by long conversations with friends, where scattered fragments of ideas and references come and go. What if you could save all of those, quickly, in a structured way? *
- The app auto-transcribes what you tell it, but crucially, doesn’t discard the original recording. The transcription is so you can recognize keywords, but your voice is treated as the “source of truth” to play back. *
- You can indent notes under other notes by swiping. While you’re recording, drag up to set a “temperature”, so you remember if something’s important. These interactions don’t need eyes, just gestural memory. Like an instrument, a gadget. https://t.co/dquWzCSaE3 *
- I love walking the streets of SF with Voiceliner. Letting my mind wander or focus, knowing I can capture the flow of whatever I’m thinking about without stopping and typing. I have a special “🚶Walking” list for these more reflective notes. Their locations end up on a map! https://t.co/QuV9l6FQgE *
- I owe many thanks to my alpha tester friends. As well as @lumar_isa, since it is an understatement to call her a magician.
- The app still has its bugs, and you’re welcome to contribute if you know any Flutter https://github.com/maxkrieger/voiceliner *
- So sorry, Android users! Need to get to the bottom of this and don’t know enough android users. It worked perfectly in the simulator… https://twitter.com/NoteApps/status/1470050993056501763 *
- I think we fixed it! 🎤🎤🎤 *
- Re: apple watch.. I need to buy one first…. https://twitter.com/michielrutjes/status/1470088275486519309 *
Tyler Angert: Lfg boi can’t wait to put all my lil braindumps all over the map *
- hope it can handle the tangert dumptruck 🚚🚚 *