Tag: Claim
C- Breaking ideas down into component parts facilitates creative reinterpretation
Authored By:: [[P- Joel Chan]] Breaking ideas down into their component parts allows us to creatively reinterpret ideas for new purposes, such as creating a new understanding of a problem, or creatively reuse ideas in new contexts....
C- Composability facilitates synthesis
The basic intuition here is that because synthesis involves creating a whole from new parts, composability facilitates synthesis. As it is difficult to compose large chunks of highly nuanced information, [[C- Compression facilitates synthesis|compression]] facilitates composability by giving individuals smaller, easier to remember “handles” to piece together, through a mechanism more fully described in [[C- Hypertext enables communication with high information density]]....
C- Compression facilitates synthesis
Authored By:: [[P- Joel Chan]] Synthesis is creating a new whole out of component parts. But what should the “parts” look like?...
C- Context is necessary for knowledge reuse
Authored By:: [[P- Joel Chan]] There is a long history of research in computer-supported cooperative work (CSCW) that documents how knowledge needs to be contextualized to be usefully reused....
C- Contextualizability is necessary for synthesis
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C- Current tools do not support flexible exploration and refactoring of structures as they inevitably evolve
Authored By:: [[P- Rob Haisfield]] Predefining a system limits our ability to explore alternatives outside the current structure. This cascades into the decisions to be made while in the act of work – what folder to place the note in, what naming conventions to use, what metadata should be added, and on....
C- Designing for ambient review is a rich opportunity space
If [[People don’t intentionally review old notes]] but still want old notes to resurface, we might ask how to display that information in an ambient manner, in contrast to traditional approaches that require individuals to explicitly choose to review old notes....