Tag: Claim
C- Search terms express intentions
Authored By:: [[P- Rob Haisfield]] This is a big claim in [[R- Everybody Lies]], and is how the author justifies using google search data in order to understand people better....
C- Social tagging is a key user behavior to managing a decentralized knowledge graph
This is about diffusing the effort. In [[R- Information Foraging Video]], they present some research on social tagging. This supports answering the question of [[Q- What user behavior is required to maintain a decentralized knowledge graph]]
C- Synthesis as a process is usefully modeled as a specialized form of sensemaking
Authored By:: [[P- Joel Chan]] While the most common manifestation of synthesis is an academic literature review, the underlying cognitive processes are not so different from what people do all the time: [[sensemaking]]....
C- Synthesis is hard to do with people who don’t share context with you
Authored By:: [[P- Joel Chan]], [[P- Rob Haisfield]], [[P- Brendan Langen]] An exciting hypothesis that motivates our work is that making discourse graphs widely available could accelerate human synthesis work, and thereby accelerate innovation and scientific discovery....
C- Synthesis is supported by Active Reading
Work in Progress #WIP Active reading is quite old and established/mature, spans the Education literature as well as [HCI]. - [active reading] is also another thing to add to the claim that [[C- People process complex information in multiple levels and stages of processing]] - R-Sources - [[R- LiquidText A Flexible Multitouch Environment to Support Active Reading]] is a decent entry point into the [active reading] literature - the [[LiquidText]] system in particular is nicely grounded in [[R- Active reading and its discontents]], which is a nice formative study of active reading with interviews and [Participatory Design] workshops - another decent one is [[R- Beyond paper supporting active reading with free form digital ink annotations]], which cites [[R- A diary study of work-related reading design implications for digital reading devices]] as a #canonical ref for [active reading]...
C- Synthesis tools need to support incremental formalization
Authored By:: [[P- Joel Chan]] Formal structure unlocks the most sophisticated levels of synthesis we want, and is especially helpful for enabling computational systems to provide support (e....
C- The responsibilities required to produce synthesis can be split up among many people
Authored By:: [[P- Rob Haisfield]], [[P- Brendan Langen]] [[Q- What synthesis behaviors must be done by an individual and what responsibilities can be distributed to many people]]?...
C- There is a trend of platforms that support user-generated content winning
[[Q- What user behavior is required to maintain a decentralized knowledge graph]] [[Q- How might we create a decentralized knowledge graph that people want to use]]...