Tag: Question
Q- How might we create a decentralized knowledge graph that people want to use
As a general rule for influencing behavior, it is easier to facilitate people in doing something they already wanted to do but struggled with than it is to compel them to do something they did not want to do....
Q- How might we facilitate healthy social dynamics with hacker communities and typical end users
Briefly - plugin ecosystems are awesome for end-users insofar as it allows users to create features that the core developers don’t have time for....
Q- How might we make it so it doesn't matter if user behavior is inconsistent
As people say [[I don’t want my tool to tell me how to think]], they each seem to have their own idiosyncratic style, and that style may change over time as apps with continued user involvement are responsive to increasing skill levels over time....
Q- How might we navigate the structure now or later tradeoffs
Beginning our research, we were excited to see all of the interesting structures that people use to manage their research, thoughts, and ideas....
Q- Should social knowledge management be thought of as social networks with really solid defaults conventions and incentives
[[Q- What is the behavior of members of explorer communities]] [[Q- How is knowledge crystallized and disseminated in discussion oriented explorer communities]]...
Q- What are powerful primitives for a user of a decentralized knowledge graph
Authored By:: [[P- Rob Haisfield]] The design of a tool for thought’s primitives and its UX will influence the behavior of its users....
Q- What are the most efficient routes to useful cross-boundary knowledge
Authored by:: [[P- Joel Chan]] Synthesis Hypothesis: we have far better evidence of people being the initial / most important first entry points into ideas across disciplinary (and other) boundaries, compared to search or recommendation that is separated from a social interaction of some kind....
Q- What changes in a discourse graph as quantity of content increases
Authored By:: [[P- Rob Haisfield]] #questions/core [[Q- What user behavior is required to grow a decentralized discourse graph]] [[Q- What user behavior is required to maintain a decentralized knowledge graph]]...