Tag: Resource
R- A Multi-Language Computing Environment
Title: A Multi-Language Computing Environment for Literate Programming and Reproducible Research Meta: Tags: #ref/Paper Authored by:: Eric Schulte , Dan Davison , Thomas Dye , Carsten Dominik Year: [[2012]] Publication: Journal of Statistical Software URL: https://www....
R- A Short Introduction to the Underlay
Source:: https://notes.knowledgefutures.org/pub/underlay-short-intro/release/1The Opportunity Human knowledge is an ever-expanding resource. Unfortunately, more knowledge does not necessarily lead to more understanding. Our methods for sharing knowledge are collapsing under the weight of distrust of science and journalism, false beliefs, misinformation campaigns, and deliberate fraud —not to mention the sheer quantity of information....
R- A Troubleshooters Checklist for Prospective Authors
#references Title: A Troubleshooter’s Checklist for Prospective Authors Derived from Reviewers’ Critical Feedback Meta: Tags: #ref/Paper Authored by:: Adrienne Alton-Lee Year: [[1998]] Publication: Teaching and Teacher Education URL: Citekey: alton-leeTroubleshooterChecklistProspective1998 Content Placeholder Abstract Presents, in order of frequency of occurrence, critical comments apparent in multiple reviews of 58 manuscripts received from April 1997 to April 1998 by Teaching and Teacher Education, thus identifying the breaches of canon most frequently identified in reviewers’ critical comments....
R- Accelerating Scientific Discovery by Lowering Barriers to User-Generated Synthesis of Scientific Literature
Authored By:: [[P- Joel Chan]] https://drive.google.com/file/d/1yjTjcIVqttXEA2NXKQ75D8iHGTOxiEj4/viewOutcomes of synthesis: theory, integrative literature review, systematic literature review, systematic lit review, causal model, problem framing, problem formulation, model of a design space, etc....
R- Achieving Both Creativity and Rationale
Metadata Title: Achieving Both Creativity and Rationale: Reuse in Design with Images and Claims Authored by:: [[D. Scott McCrickard]] , Shahtab Wahid , Stacy M....
R- Ambiguity and Engagement
Title: Ambiguity and Engagement Meta: Authored by:: [[Peter McMahan]] [[James A. Evans]] Year: [[2018]] Publication: American Journal of Sociology URL: McMahan & Evans (2018)....
R- Are theoretical results Results
#[[references]] Title: Are theoretical results ‘Results’? Meta: Authored by:: [[Raymond E Goldstein]] Year: [[2018]] Publication: eLife URL: Goldstein (2018)....
R- Beyond Boundary Objects
#references Title: Beyond Boundary Objects: Collaborative Reuse in Aircraft Technical Support Meta Tags:: #[[ref/Paper]] #[[D/Synthesis Infrastructure]] Publication: Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) Authored by:: [[Wayne Lutters]] , [[Mark Ackerman]] Year: [[2007]] Content #context-snippets #lit-context is #seminal ref for thinking about [[flexible compression]] as a way to get at #context based on empirical study of aircraft technical support #[[📝 lit-notes]] How did the authors approach their questions/problems?...
R- clojureD 2021- Command and Conquer- Learnings from Decades of Code Editing by Philippa Markovics
Notes related to this talk live in the [[Nextjournal]] page.