Tag: Resource
R- Cochrane and non-Cochrane systematic reviews
Metadata:: Title: Cochrane and non-Cochrane systematic reviews in leading orthodontic journals: a quality paradigm? Tags:: #references#ref/Paper Authored by:: Padhraig S....
R- Collaborative information synthesis
Authored By:: [[P- Joel Chan]] #[References] Title: Collaborative information synthesis I: A model of information behaviors of scientists in medicine and public health Meta: Authored by:: [Catherine Blake] [Wanda Pratt] Year: [2006] Publication: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology [JASIST] URL: Blake & Pratt (2006)....
R- Constraint relaxation and chunk decomposition in insight problem solving
#[[references]] Title: Constraint relaxation and chunk decomposition in insight problem solving Meta: Authored by:: [[G. Knoblich]] [[S. Ohlsson]] [[H....
R- Context Grabbing Assigning Metadata in Large Document Collections
#references Title: Context Grabbing: Assigning Metadata in Large Document Collections Meta: Tags: #ref/Paper Authored by:: [[Joachim Hinrichs]] [[Volkmar Pipek]] [[Volker Wulf]] [[Hans Gellersen]] [[Kjeld Schmidt]] [[Michel Beaudouin-Lafon]] [[Wendy Mackay]] Year: [[2005]] Publication: [[ECSCW]] 2005 URL: Hinrichs et al....
R- Could a Neuroscientist Understand a Microprocessor
#[[references]] Title: Could a Neuroscientist Understand a Microprocessor? Meta: Authored by:: [[Eric Jonas]] [[Konrad Paul Kording]] Year: [[2017]] Publication: PLOS Computational Biology URL: Jonas & Kording (2017)....
R- Darwin on man A psychological study of scientific creativity
Title: Darwin on man: A psychological study of scientific creativity Meta: Tags:: #R-Book #[[references]] #synthesis Authored by:: [[Howard E....
R- Digital Futures Sociological Challenges and Opportunities in the Emergent Semantic Web
#references Title: Digital Futures? Sociological Challenges and Opportunities in the Emergent Semantic Web Meta: Tags: #ref/Paper Authored by:: Susan Halford , Catherine Pope , Mark Weal Year: [[2013]] Publication: Sociology URL: https://doi....
R- Discovering Higher Order Relationships from Multi Modal EHR Data
StanfordSTARRThis is an example of a discourse graph in medical research discourse. ![[Pasted image 20210912172117.png]] Visualize change in ranking !...
R- Distributed ontology building as practical work
Title: Distributed ontology building as practical work Meta: Tags: #ref/Paper Authored by:: Dave Randall , Rob Procter , Yuwei Lin , Meik Poschen , Wes Sharrock , [[Robert Stevens]] Year: [[2011]] Publication: International Journal of Human-Computer Studies URL: https://linkinghub....
R- Epistemology and the socio-cognitive perspective in information science
#[[references]] Tags:: #[[references]] #[[D/Synthesis Infrastructure]] #interdisciplinarity #[[Domain-Analysis]] Title: Epistemology and the socio-cognitive perspective in information science Meta: Authored by:: [[Birger Hjørland]] Year: [[2002]] Publication: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology ([[JASIST]]) URL: Hjørland (2002)....