Tag: Resource
R- Hammock Driven Development
R- How to Find the Right Questions
author: “Esther Duflo” reference: “ https://promarket.org/2019/10/14/esther-duflo-how-to-find-the-right-questions/"alias: “@dufloFindingRightQuestions2011”
R- Hypotheses Evidence and Relationships
#references Title: Hypotheses, Evidence and Relationships: The HypER Approach for Representing Scientific Knowledge Claims Meta: Tags: #ref/Paper Authored by:: [[Anita de Waard]] [[Simon Buckingham Shum]] [[Annamaria Carusi]] [[Jack Park]] [[Matthias Samwald]] [[Ágnes Sándor]] Authored by:: [[Anita de Waard]] , [[Simon Buckingham Shum]] , Annamaria Carusi , [[Jack Park]] , Matthias Samwald , Ágnes Sándor Year: [[2009]] Publication: Proceedings of the 8th International Semantic Web Conference, Workshop on Semantic Web Applications in Scientific Discourse URL: de Waard et al....
R- In Defense of Ambiguity
Title: In defense of ambiguity Meta: Authored by:: [[Patrick J Hayes]] [[Harry Halpin]] Year: [[2008]]
R- Information and Context
#references Title: Information and Context: Lessons from a Study of Two Shared Information Systems Meta: Tags: #ref/Paper Authored by:: [[Paul Dourish]] , [[Wendy Mackay]] Year: [[1993]] Publication: Proceedings of the conference on organizational computing systems (COCS ‘93) URL: Citekey: dourishInformationContextLessons1993 Content Placeholder Abstract With the increasing ease and power of wmputer netsvorking technologies, many organisations me taking information which was previously managed and distributed on paper aud making it available electronically....
R- Information Foraging Video
[[P- Yochai Bankler]] makes the argument in [[R- Wealth of Networks]] that people have a wealth of idle attention....
R- Innovation Relies on the Obscure
[[@mccaffreyInnovationReliesObscure2012]] #[[references]] Title: Innovation Relies on the Obscure: A Key to Overcoming the Classic Problem of Functional Fixedness Meta: Authored by:: [[T....
R- Institutional Ecology Translations and Boundary Objects
#references - Title: Institutional Ecology, `Translations’ and Boundary Objects: Amateurs and Professionals in Berkeley’s Museum of Vertebrate Zoology, 1907-39 - Meta: Tags: #ref/Paper Authored by:: [[Susan Leigh Star]] , James R....
R- Interactive Intent Modeling for Exploratory Search
author: T. Ruotsalo et al. Note Authored by:: [[P- Brendan Langen]] Interactive Intent Modeling for Exploratory Search Core Questions [[Q- How do we enable users to find what they’re looking for when they are exploring a new area]]?...
R- Investigating PhD thesis examination reports
Metadata: Title: Investigating PhD thesis examination reports Authored by:: [[Allyson Holbrook]] Publication: International Journal of Educational Research Tags:: #[[references]] #[[D/Synthesis Infrastructure]]